July 26, 2022

Raffaele Riva is the founder of AUREA Multi-Family Office, where he specializes in true real estate, wealth management, and estate planning. An experienced professional with over a decade of experience under several advisory companies prior to his work with AUREA, Riva has turned into a leading voice in the field of asset and wealth management.

More than just a decorated entrepreneur, Riva has sought to share his expertise with others following in his footsteps. Let’s explore a few nuggets of insight from Raffaele Riva as well as how he personally rose to the occasion as an entrepreneur in such a crowded and complicated field.

An International Background

Life experiences can come together to help us make better decisions in the future. As an internationally traveled professional, Riva managed and worked under several subsidiaries and branches throughout Canada, South Africa, Central America, and South America prior to establishing AUREA. As a Senior Executive during this time, Riva’s reach and professionalism were integral in helping to build his work with these companies.

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Born in 1962, Riva was raised with dual citizenship in Switzerland and Italy. Riva would attend and graduate from Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, situated in Milan, in 1987. During his time at university, Riva would study economics, corporate financing, tax law, as well as other fields related to accounting and finance.

Maintaining a Productive Day

While his background in education, as well as international travel, has helped Raffaele Riva turn into the renowned businessman he is today, it is his routine that keeps his success mounting. Riva stated in an interview with Ideamensch, “I would like to point out that there is no ‘typical’ day in my working life.”

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As an entrepreneur, Raffaele Riva is ready to tackle the day by the time his alarm goes off. Beginning at 7:30 am, Riva plans his day with a journal and a set of lists to ensure that he doesn’t miss anything. One consistency throughout his life has been travel. Riva says, “I travel a lot – each day is different. I plan my meetings and appointments with wide advance.”

Despite his early start and seemingly endless battery, Riva understands that it is his positive mindset that keeps him going. Riva says that his ultimate key to success is simple: “To always think and to be kept up to date.”

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Building Success Through Creating Value

As an expert in the financial field with a specialty in family business, Raffaele Riva understands how important it is to create and instill value in the lives of his clients. Riva says, “When you wake up each morning asking for more ways to better serve and satisfy your clients, you will dramatically boost your business.”

For Riva, continuing his long-running record of success in the financial field has meant staying focused on building for the future – but not forgetting his limitations. One warning Riva has for potential followers includes this, ” I let growth in my business exceed my own ability to manage it.”

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While growth is traditionally good, rapid growth has to be scaled effectively for both clients and professionals to find success. For individuals looking for inspiration to go out and pursue their dreams, Riva has one thing to say – “Take the first vital step and just do it!”




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