April 9, 2023

Uncovering the True Judith Glaser Net Worth: The Surprising Fortune of a Master Coach and Author

Meet Judith Glaser, a renowned coach, and author known for her expertise in Conversational Intelligence – the concept of how conversations influence the way we think, act, and interact with others. Her work has impacted millions of lives globally and established her as a thought leader in the field. Though Glaser’s professional accomplishments are widely documented, few know about her financial worth. In this post, we’ll uncover the true Judith Glaser net worth – the surprising fortune of a Master Coach, and Author.

Who is Judith Glaser?

Judith Glaser is a coach, author, and speaker, renowned for her work on Conversational Intelligence. She has over three decades of experience and has served countless organizations and individuals through her coaching and consulting services. Glaser has authored seven books and several articles on the concept of Conversational Intelligence.

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The Early Life of Judith Glaser

Judith Glaser was born in New York in 1946, and during her childhood, she frequently experienced a lack of meaningful conversation from people around her. Her desire to change the world and improve communication skills fueled her passion as an educator, author, and coach. She holds an MA in Clinical Psychology and certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Judith Glaser Net Worth Journey

Glaser started her professional journey as an educator and later transitioned to become a coach. Her interest and expertise in Conversational Intelligence led her to establish Benchmark Communications Inc. in 1980, which provides coaching, consulting, and training services to organizations worldwide.

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Up to date, Judith Glaser Net worth stands at an estimated $2.7 Million.

Judith Glaser’s Books

Judith Glaser is known for her books, which are focused on the topic of Conversational Intelligence. Her books include “Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results,” “Creating We,” and “The DNA of Leadership.” Her literary works and expertise have generated a vast income stream for her and contributed significantly to the Judith Glaser net worth.

Achievements and Awards

Judith Glaser has received multiple awards throughout her career, with recognition including the Woman of Achievement Award in 1987, the “Top Thought Leader” Award by Trust Across America in 2014, and the Vision Award by the OD Network. Her work has been translated into several languages, including Chinese, Spanish, and German.

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Q1: How does Judith Glaser’s Conversational Intelligence concept work?
A1: Conversational Intelligence is the ability to understand how conversations impact people and organizations. Judith Glaser presents a framework that combines neuroscience and psychology to help individuals and organizations achieve better outcomes by improving their conversations.

Q2: How has Judith Glaser influenced other coaches?
A2: Judith Glaser’s work has attracted several coaches globally, leading to the development of the Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ) community. The C-IQ community comprises individuals interested in Conversational Intelligence and its applications in coaching, consulting, and training.

Q3: What are some of the challenges Judith Glaser faced in her career?
A3: Judith Glaser faced numerous challenges, including difficulty finding people who shared her passion for improving communication skills. Many of her books were initially rejected by publishers, but she did not give up and persevered.

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Q4: How has Judith Glaser benefited from her accomplishments?
A4: Judith Glaser has enjoyed financial rewards and gained significant influence within the coaching and consulting industry. Her literary works and consulting services have generated a vast income stream, leading to her estimated net worth of $2.7 million.

Q5: How do I get started in Conversational Intelligence?
A5: Anyone interested in Conversational Intelligence can start by purchasing one of Judith Glaser’s books, enrolling in her training sessions, or joining the C-IQ community, which offers coaching, training, and consulting services.

Q6: Does Judith Glaser offer one-on-one coaching services?
A6: Yes, Judy Glaser offers one-on-one coaching services for individuals who desire to improve their conversational intelligence skills.

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Q7: What is Judith Glaser’s legacy in the coaching industry?
A7: Judith Glaser is recognized as a pioneer in the coaching industry, transforming conversations into a valuable resource for organizations. Her legacy in the industry is her invaluable contribution to Conversational Intelligence, which has transformed workplaces worldwide.


Judith Glaser’s expertise in Conversational Intelligence has motivated and inspired many individuals and organizations worldwide. Between her literary works, consulting services, and coaching skills, she has consistently provided value to the coaching and consulting industry. Judith Glaser net worth is an estimated $2.7 Million; a testament to her dedication, hard work, and commitment to helping people improve their communication skills. To learn more about Conversational Intelligence and its applications, purchase her books, attend her training sessions, or join the Conversational Intelligence community today!

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