April 8, 2022

School days can be called the best time of life of any student. During this time-period a student learns a lot of things, meet teachers, make friends and some of these friendships go for life long also. Being with friends can give children the sense of belonging that helps them engage and learn at the school. It is proved in several studies that positive friendships help the children have interest in learning and spending time in school/colleges to learn and attain knowledge. Also, it helps developing social skills in the children by reducing their stress level and by making them learn better.

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Today we can say that online learning is contributing in teaching students a lot of things. And students are also learning in an efficient manner with the help of institute ERP and school management software in online learning. It is so because institute ERP regulates all the process of school as an enterprise and school management software takes care of everything related to learning but when it is about friendship then the child needs help of a mentor or parents.

Every child is different in many ways and prefers different friendships according to his/her convenience, therefore, parents need to help their child to communicate with others and develop some positive friendships so that they can succeed in their academic life at school. So, let’s understand the ways to help your child to make positive friendships at school:

  • Childhood is the best time to teach a child anything and that too about friendship, it is the best time to teach the child how to make good friends. Parents should start teaching their kids at an early age that good friendship requires a mutual feeling of respect and kindness and also that their child should behave like this with other students also. Guide your child with his/her behaviour with others as he or she grows up.
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Be their role models and show them how you behave with your good friends and vice versa. Let them watch and understand why you like spending time with your good friends and reply to their queries regarding it.

  • Use your intelligence as parents and find the students having the same interest as yours and help them to learn the rules of different games and sports through which they can mingle with other students and make some peers. If your child has grown up and is a teenager then let him/her invite his/her some good friends to your home and provide them with a necessary but safe space. As a careful parent do meet the parents of kids in your kid’s peers goal so that this friendship can be more comfortable for your child. You need to keep a certain amount of supervision on your kid also to ensure his/her safety without hurting your child’s or his or her peer’s sentiments.
  • When your child grows up gradually in age his or her friendships bring several changes. In this teen-age situation becomes sensitive and physical and emotional changes bother students a lot. They face a twister of emotions which they don’t know how to handle at all, without guidance they lose any good friendship due to this emotional imbalance and lose concentration in their studies also. Managing emotions is that path which brings stability in friendships and relations. As parents teach your child to have patience to hold the relationship. Teach your child to take breath in and out slowly and think over the things whenever your child suffers an emotional This pause and play trick work often.
  • As parents you have a lot more experience of life than your child then teaches him how to understand what and how people feel about his/her behaviour. Make your child understand how to understand the facial expressions, voice tone and body language of the people while interacting. It is so, because all these things in anybody’s personality explain a lot about what is going on in hind/her mind. Also, if your child is regular and a new kid joins his/her class, then ask your kid to help him get acquainted with everyone and get settled in the class through which he/she can become good friends with another child.
  • Teach your child tricks of social behaviour like greeting everyone with a smile when he/she meets someone, make eye contact and listen to others first then reply, listen carefully and respect others conversation and should be well aware of when he/she should stop talking and talk precisely.
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