December 6, 2021

The SAT is a 3 hours duration examination that is held for admissions in many reputed colleges. Many colleges accept the SAT scores and give direct admission to students based on the marks scored by them in the examination. This is the reason why many students prepare for this exam at a very early age so that they can get admission to the college of their choice. The students who are studying in high school and want to get admission to a good college can prepare for this exam.


The purpose of conducting the SAT is to test the knowledge and reasoning ability of the students based on what they have studied in high school. The exam is based on multiple-type questions and is taken through offline methods with the help of pen and paper. The test is generally based on topics of mathematics, and reading comprehension. Students are also tested for their problem-solving abilities. The total marks of the test are 1600 and generally, the cut-off marks are around 1000 marks. Students who score more than 60 percent marks are considered eligible for counseling.

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Ways to prepare for the SAT: 

Now students have a lot of options when it comes to studying and learning new things. They can study with the help of books as well as they can study online. Online courses for different examinations are now available on the internet. Students can take help from online lectures from some of their favorite teachers. This way the students, who learn both offline and online have an edge over their competitor. The SAT prep requires a lot of hard work and dedication from the students. Some of the tips to follow while preparing for the examination are discussed as follows:

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  •   Follow a timetable: Every examination demands consistency. Students must be hardworking and consistent towards their goals. They must work hard daily. Consistent students have more chances of becoming successful. Therefore students must follow a timetable. They must pay equal importance to all the subjects. Following a timetable makes it easier for the students to crack any examination.


  •   Practice previous year questions:Students must solve previous year questions that have been asked in the examination before. Practice removes the imperfections and increases the accuracy of a student. This is the reason why students should practice a set of questions daily to improve their problem-solving skills. This helps a lot when students have to face an exam.
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  •   Learn online: Students can now learn online with the help of an internet connection. Now many online platforms provide courses for the SAT. Students can learn from their favorite teachers. They can also practice a set of questions and find solutions to many problems on the internet. Students can learn from online video lectures anytime they wish to at the comfort of their homes. This is the reason why most of the students now prefer to learn from online courses. Online courses also help a lot in solving the doubts of the students.


Thus students can follow these simple steps when they opt for preparing for the SAT examination.

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